Is this iPod case very uncool or is it just me? It's selling at Banana Republic...unbelievable!
*The Hakone Open-Air Museum is a place I must go the next time I am in Japan!
**Tonight, this song is playing in endless loop. I had no idea what she was singing until I read the lyrics. It's one of those songs that has the ethereal, angelic, music box feel to it. I have never heard of it before tonight but I like it, a lot!
Song: 恐龍學唱歌
Album: 打狗女郎
Artist: 有耳非文
叮0當叮叮0當 熟悉聲在響
滴答滴滴答唷 秒針走累了 我靜靜期盼明天能變成大恐龍
Aiue ㄅㄆㄇㄈOne Two Three Four
有誰能發明杯藥 啊唱下它全學會
怪了怪了怪怪說 文明天堂活像地獄
恐龍怪了怪了怪怪說 怎不能腦袋空空
學會唱歌 啦……
2 回應:
Hi Tania
I've been to the Hakone open-air musium once before when I was in junior high. I can't remember the details about it but I only remember it was huge! and you can also see a huge Michelangelo's sculpture!
Plus, Hakone is famouse for hot spring!! It's actually my favorite place!
Hi 34,
I have never been to Hakone and I plan to visit there the next time I am in Japan. A friend told me about this museum and recommended it. She showed me some pictures with very interesting background so I plan to definitely go there to see the real thing myself. Of course, hot spring will be a must in Hakone! :-) It will be cool if we will be in Japan the same time then we can visit it together!
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