Lots to blog about...

1. Not everyone should show their toes, especially at work.
It has been sunny and warm the early part of the week and some people at work just can't wait to start wearing their sandals. It's ok if you have clean feet and well groomed toe nails and all. But man, if you are not going to take care of your feet, then we should not be asked to look at them! Shoot, it was a really nasty sight. And can sandals be a privilege for the feminine specie only please, at least at work?
2. Staying up late.
It seems to me those who grew up in Hong Kong tend to stay up late even after many years they have graduated from high school and college. The education system in Hong Kong had pushed me to stay up late to finish all the home work and prepare for next day's classes and have to pack our 1 ton school bag. Then college was a lot of work as well. We had to stand in line at the computer room to sign up to use the VAX machine and 1 hour per sign-up. So we were constantly standing in line when the assignment is to be due in 72 hours. It was a nightmare imagine 150 people sharing some 20 VAX stations and you only have 1 hour to use it and then go back to the end of the line. Anyways, I noticed many people I know from Hong Kong also staying up late now that they have been working for over 10-15 years. Some said it was the time in Hong Kong that they stayed up late to watch the World Cup or the Olympic Game on volleyball between China and other countries. So said they used to meet up with friends after work for Happy Hours all the way to late night drinking and would be home by 2 a.m. So I guess habits are really hard to kick. Lately, I have been staying up late for the Winter Olympics. I seem to like all the events except maybe Men's Figure Skating. But I still can't help to watch it because it's just interestingly "brokeback mountain". :-)
3. My new T43 Thinkpad is here ...
for over a week now and this time round, I want to make sure I only install software I need and not everything that I think I might need. I have not opened a case to have my stuff in the drive to be transferred because there is just too much junk in my T40 and old project stuff that I don't want it to hog up my new laptop. But I am too busy to clean up the laptop for transfer...so just I am just procrastinating....
4. Winter is suddenly here
Yup, on Wednesday, the cold front from the Seattle direction suddenly came down and giving us chilly nights and snow capped mountains. Seeing the cool snowboarding events on TV, I really wanted to go up to Lake Tahoe this weekend (President's Day Weekend) and do some snowboarding again. Unfortunately, some member in the family already have plans for us. :-(
5. Wi-Fi is here again
Exactly this time last year, we brought our first product for Wi-Fi certification and it was a very stressful process. This year, we are trying to meet the March 1 deadline and trying to get 4 products in for certifications on the last 2 weeks of February. On Friday evening when we were all feeling confident with the last bug fixed, we are suddenly seeing a new issue. We gathered and brainstormed what could be the cause of the problem. We emailed, gmailed, chatted and called our connections related to Wi-Fi all over the place. We had whole-hearted passionate discussion on how we are going to pass next Tuesday until I delivered the solution! ;-) I called the authority and found out there was actually a ReadMe on that particular case which will change after March 1. So, that means the issue is not a new problem but a known problem so if we could workaround it, it's ok to pass! I have never heard policy as such but that we can delivery so we will be ok next Tuesday when we go in for testing! Great! Everyone left and felt good.
6. Cooking
The past week, I had some ideas of what to cook but when I come home, some of the ingredients were used up and it was late at night already. Instead of getting mad, I actually came up with simplier ideas and they turned out great. So I think my E.Q. is definitely getting higher and higher.
7. Party ideas
Lately at work, everyone expressed that they would love to come by my house and if I could throw a party that would be best. If it was me last year, I would think that's very imposing to suggest. But having the experience of living with my mother-in-law the past months, I now think friends coming over would be something very enjoyable. So I have been listing the things I want to serve if I am to host a party at home. First I just have some simple ideas but as I think about it more everyday, the ideas are getting more and more refined depending on who are coming, will there be kids, etc. I actually got quite excited thinking about it during work. :-)
8. Movies
I watched "Crash" earlier and it was one great movie!! I enjoyed every minute of it and I highly recommend it.
Last night, we finally saw "Batman Begins". This is the one and only Batman movie I was able to stay awake. I had tried watching the previous Batman movies for a couple of times but not once was I able to stay awake. So I guess this one is interesting enough.
At work, we were joking around with one of our favorite topics - Winning a Lottery. Yes, we all want to retire early and young. Anyways, I brought up the movie "Waking Ned Devine" and surprisingly, no one had heard about it! Not even the movie buffs! So I feel compelled to recommend it here in my blog. It's a very enjoyable movie - should see!
9. Japanese
Have not been reading too much Japanese lately. I blame it on all the Olympics games on TV. :-P
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