
While most people I know are going from glasses to contact lenses to lasik, I am finally going to give glasses a try. I have maybe 5 pair of glasses all my life but I have not wore any of them for more than a combined total of 100 days. You see, I am short-sighted in one eye and far-sighted in another, and on top of that I have astigmatism. But if I wear glasses, I 'feel' there is a gap between my body and my next step, so when I walk it feels like I am going to walk into a manhole. And after some time, I get dizzy from all the intense sight and distance calculations and reality adjustments. That's why I choose not to wear glasses except when I am sitting down and having to look at some Powerpoint from far away or attending some presentation in a dark room.
But it's time for me to visit an optometrist this year and so I did 2 weeks ago. I went to this optometrist for the first time and if I may say ... I think he is a jerk. He was completely mad at me for not being able to see some tiny letters far away in a dark room and he thinks I don't wear my glasses because of looks. I tried to explain 'the gap feeling' I experienced to him but he does not buy it and thinks I am making excuses. All the optometrists before him had always cut down my prescription so each of my eye can adjust to the effect of the lens better. But this optometrist would not do that and told me they have all been wrong to spoil me like that. He gave me a full prescription for my next pair of glasses and ordered me to wear it everyday. He also forbids me from getting any fancy frames or lenses and made me ordered the all plastic, thick lenses. While I kept quiet at his office, I actually later called the lab to change the lenses to the polycarbon (thinner) lenses and also changed the frames to a Calvin Klein frame since the frame should not matter to the prescription and I am planning to give it a try to wear it everyday! The optometrist should not know that since I did not make another appointment with him for picking up the glasses.
I called and checked today. The glasses will be ready for pick-up tomorrow late afternoon. I am hoping I could wear it more often this time rather than again having it sitting on the desk or inside the bag or in the car. Will see.
Although I still really dislike the optometrist and I think he is not totally reasonable, but I do want to take his advice and give glasses another try. You might ask 'what about contact lenses'? I have a pair of soft contacts long time ago but I only wore the one for the short-sighted eye (and a patch on the other ;-P) . But because I can see fine without contacts, I threw those annoying things away and never looked back. Do we really need to see tiny characters from far away? I enjoy my life seeing things within 6 feet and that has been good enough for SO many years... But ok, I can be open-minded. I will give the new glasses a try. (Let's see how long that will last!)
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