Sunday, June 01, 2008

Just too much!!

I have many, many lip sticks, but I only use lip balm these days.
I also have many, many bottles and tubes of lotion and moisturizer. I just keep buying the new products that seem to be better so I never get a chance to finish the earlier products, even though they are still good.
Same with cleanser. I have the strong ones, the completely soap-free ones (which feel useless) and then the many in-betweens.
Same with combs, I have all shapes and sizes combs and brushes, but I really only use 3 out of all.
Pants and tops. I have tons and tons of them but I actually only wear maybe a dozen of them.
Gym clothes. Shorts, pants, t-shirts, tank-tops but only 2 pairs of shorts and 3 pairs of pants and 2 tops I will use. And I even bought a new tank this weekend because I like the color!
White shirts. So many. Loose, tight, fitted, straight... but I don't wear them anymore. I tend to stain anything white with sphagetti sauce or V8 or ice cream. But the real reason is actually I am too lazy to iron.
Jackets - long, short, thin, thick, mid-sleeves, long sleeves, with cuffs, with hoods, with zipper, with buttons... All sort of styles but along the same natural colors or black. But again, I pretty much just wear only a few of them.
Shoes, handbags, belts, blushes, eye shadows, towels, PJs, socks, swim suits ... all the same story.

Should I throw them out to make space or bag them up for donation? My sister-in-law said just draw the line - if I have not used it the last 3-5 years, get rid of it.

But it seems so wasteful!! I am sure some of my friends' moms or older neighbors can use some of the stuff that are still perfectly good. But how do I say it? "I was going to throw these out but wondering if you want them/ but thought maybe you can use them?" How insulting!! I don't know... I guess that's the whole reason why I still have so much stuff. I have serious issue.

1 回應:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

there's nothing wrong with you! (says the panda with wwaaaaayyyy too many clothes taking up space in his (multiple!) closets) hee hee...

but if you haven't worn something in 5 years though... hmmm, yeah, might not be a bad idea to donate that ;)

4:36 AM  

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