Wednesday, November 19, 2008

ピクニック (2)

So, we did go picnic last Saturday. The weather was so nice and we had a fun time being outdoor. This is my daughter's first picnic at the park and I am glad it went well. There were a few birthday parties at the park, with Pinatas hanging from the trees and children at play which was fun just watching. I made those pecan cookies above from a recipe I found on the internet. It was the first time I made it and even though I just combined all the ingredients without following the steps, they came out VERY DELICIOUS!! Only one cookie is in KUMA shape as I was not sure if I can press and roll the dough for this cookie recipe. But it turns out great! I am planning to make more soon.

By the way, a few things learned from planning this picnic.
1. It's ok to over pack but no need to bring everything to the picnic ground.
2. It's not smart to buy ingredients and then try to cook it 2 hours before the picnic.
3. We should try to leave home EARLY while there are still 4-5 hours of sun left.
4. Don't be so picky about having to get the gourmet sandwiches from a deli more than 5 miles away from the park especially when we are already running late.
5. A good variety of food is key to a fun picnic. Don't just have a main and some drinks. Desserts, sweets, snacks - the more the merrier!!