Thursday, March 12, 2009


Is it old-fashioned to draw flowchart? Do people still use it? Do I need to update my skills?

I've not been in one of these design discussions for a long while and I took a picture after the meeting to capture what we decided on. But I could not stop wondering what better and easier tools are out there??

*I know some white board let you print by just pushing a button but has anything replaced drawing a flowchart?

2 回應:

Blogger Kai and Baobei said...

that's nothing wrong to use flowchart, the electronic board is troublesome :) even the the meetings in giant MNC, the CEO, CFO, COO, CIO ... all using flowchart and normal white board for discussion :) hahahaha ~ (save costs too, less consumption of electricity ~ :P)

6:53 PM  
Blogger 學習 said...

So flowchart is still the tool of choice! :))

But when there are people waiting outside the conference room, it's hard and stressful to copy the board accurately. That's why I took a picture. Can't believe there isn't a better solution yet.

3:06 PM  

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