
Interesting book, but don't buy it... Just read the excerpts online.
To me, I think kids learn by watching their parents and a good, stable family life set the tone and influence their personality. So if the parents have good habits and the kids are happy, then they are more likely to become successful in general.
成績のよい子どもの母親の方が料理好き [Haha! ]
成績のよい子の母親は、自分も朝食を食べる [Good!]
しずかちゃんママの子どもが成績が最も良いという [Wonderful!]
成績のよい子は親子の会話が多い [That's my plan...]
父親が土日休みである [This is definitely true!]
祖父の学歴も関係ある [Is that so?]
成績の良い子どもの家庭には、父親の所得が高い [Better chances but not necessarily true. 金がなくたって、上品な人はいるし、金があっても、下品な人はいる。]
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