
I have not picked up a fun book to read for a long time and since we moved to this current house, I don't even know where they have gone! But I will definitely buy some good read while I am in Hong Kong, despite the weight I'll have to carry to Japan before heading home. One of the writers I want to check out is Yamamoto Fumio. I want to read up on her book 「ブルーもしくはブルー」 or the translated version 「藍,或另一種藍」.
Recently, I saw a college friend of mine in my dreams 2 days in a row. He has always been tall and conscious about being fit but in my dream he is much slimmer yet still healthy looking. I have not been in touch with him for a very long time. The last time we met, must be 1994 or early 1995! We used to be good friends and would talk for hours but then I came to US and he stayed in HK. That's the pre-Internet age and so that's that. HK is pretty small. It's not hard to bump into someone during rush hours at certain MTR stations. I wonder if I would bump into him? Even though I could get in touch with him easily through my other college friends, but I have no wish to look him up and call him. I will just leave it up to chance.
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