
With all hype on iPhones, here is a post I really enjoy reading, haha!
*Oops, wait... I was interrupted and did not get a chance to read the very last paragraph... No, I don't condone the language used. Skip the whole last paragraph and have a laugh if you are new to the Fake Steve Blog and find it offensive.
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Believe it or not, I was actually in the WWDC crowd as Steve (the magician) Jobs unveiled the iPhume 2.0. I was in cognito, my disguise was fool proof (that's what you need for this bunch).
When Jabs was done with his presentation I could hear the iTards around me groaning in disgust! (I was in heaven). They were complaining:
"Where's the god-mode dude!"
"I expected full interactive parallel sytemp carryover interleaving dude!"
"3G is over dude, I wanted 4G maaanh!
"What about video conferencing dude!"
"Bummer! Dude I wanted mo!"
Apple stock closed more than $2 down!
Just wait until I bring out the ZunePhone Halographic later this year, this crap will be toast!
I'm going to one of these suite parties tonight to celebrate, then back to Redmond before anyone recognizes me.
iPhone 3G? - No problem, dude!
Have not seen a Zune owner in this valley ever...
The whole stock market took a beating on 6/9, so Apple is not exception. Apple is up almost $5 today.
And leave Yahoo! alone.
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