Color Cubes

These days, at least in California, if you feeding your kid with jars from the store shelves, you will be looked upon as a lazy, unfit mom. The right thing to do is to prepare everything organic from scratch and freeze it in cubes like the above picture. You will also need to know which food and veggies to hold off on (e.g. Spinach and Carrots as they are considered high in nitrates and egg yolk first and egg white much later, no cow's milk until much much later. Honey, wheat, nuts can all be allergens harmful to babies) and which food to introduce first and not exceeding by how much. Who knew? Everything our parents did to us will be completely wrong and unacceptable if you talk to any pediatricians these days. But we all grew up fine, didn't we? While I will try to do my best to prepare everything fresh and nutritious to my baby, I will still continue to mix in jars of baby food - without shame!
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