July is almost over ...

just like that. Have you traveled anywhere this summer? It's not too late to plan something still.
I always can't help to feel a little sad when it's end of July. I guess I have been like this since I was a little kid. (I guess it's important for me to mentally evaluate if I have fully utilized my precious time off from school!) In Hong Kong, the summer vacation starts from the end of June till September 1. It used to be the best time of the year with many activities planned. As a full-time employee now, with no kid, everyday of July and August is just another work day. I have to be nuts to travel to Asia during the summer months. Just a few dry, hot days in California were unbearable ... imagine if moisture is added to the equation.
But going to places is still important! So far, I only have 1 day planned for August. :-( Need to come up with at least another 3 days of activities, inspite of the training and studies I have lined up. Oh, my precious August!! I need to plan something!!
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