Hostile Email

It is standard procedure at work that we ask other teams to review and comment on technical documents, codes and implementations we came up with before actually committing it. Because of my title, I especially, have to review a lot of technical documents that other people wrote and I don't usually have a problem with it. Recently, my team finished a long 3-year project which came out with highly respectable quality and revenues, so as a lead I am very proud of what we have established and proven to work well. Another team just came up with a similar project and we were asked to review and comment on their docs. Since no one is giving them any feedback, I decided that as a Lead, I will provide my feedback first and hope others with follow suit. This was what happened last week.
This morning, I got a hostile email back replying to my review feedback. Once again, I couldn't help to be shocked by people as such within our reputatble company that was ranked high as one of the best companies to work for. His choice of words were just plain rude and with many justifications such as 'we only have 2 resources working on this project unlike your project' and 'our project is just going to leverage what your project has already established' and 'we are still in the early phase of the project and it is only inevitable that some of the points [I mentioned] are left to be determined'. Basically the document is incomplete and not ready for review. If the person seeking for feedback is not ready to take any questions or advices, please don't even send it out and waste my time. This is actually the first time I work with this person and he sits 2 cubes down mine. We always nodded to each other in a friendly manner (at least that's what I thought!) and my impression was he is a really mellow guy. Now I know better.
People like this really ruin my day. I think they need to go back to school or have some training on what is acceptable work behavior and tone of voice to use. I am not going to reply or say anything about his email but I would like any future work collaboration with this guy to be kept at a minimal. This project in my mind can basically fall flat or be shelved for all I care.
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