
This is a road leading to our house in Hong Kong. I sometimes have dreams speed running along this road and roads leading up and down the mountain all the way to my school. Of course in my dream, I am a very good runner and can fly down a flight of stairs by just touching the edge of every few steps. These roads and stairs do exist in real life so it's very real for me so my dreams are sometimes more amazing than movies! This road might look scary but actually it's not, at least for me. But some 20 years ago, some very notorious Taxi Driver Serial Killer did dump some bodies down this road. But that's some 20-25 years ago.
万事は夢, なむあみだぶつ (南無阿弥陀仏)。
3 回應:
I came across your blog when I was looking for daily Japanese study materials.
Do you live in Hong Kong? I am visiting HK in September and am looking for things to do. What are your recommendations?
Yoroshiku onegaishimasu,
Hiya, Andrej, thank you for visiting. Yes, I am from Hong Kong but live in California now. I love to provide recommendations on places to go in Hong Kong.
1. Victoria Peak. Take the tram up and the bus/taxi down.
2. Cross the Victoria Harbor. Take it once during the day and once at night when all the neon signs are on. I hope that day will have some nice cool breeze.
3. If you have time, visit Lantau Island. There is a Po Lin Monstery with the Giant Buddha.
4. Shopping, shopping, shopping. Well, everywhere you go will be full of shops and stores. The key areas are Causeway Bay (Time Square), Central, Pacific Place, Tsim Sha Tsui, Mong Kok. Watch out for Mong Kok and don't stare at people or ask too many questions. :-)
5. 2 famous beaches. Repulse Bay and Stanley Beach. Worth a visit if you have extra time.
6. Soho and LKF (Lan Kwai Fong) at night for dinner and drinks. Similar to Roppongi in Tokyo.
7. Use the MTR to do most of your travel. So get an Octopus Card.
8. Go for Dim Sum at some Chinese restaurants. Find out from the hotel guide or just walk around and see.
9. Hmm, what else to do? Not sure if you like to go to visit a Temple to take a look. If so, Wong Tai Sin Temple is one of the most famous.
10. If you have money to spend, try high tea at the Hong Kong Pennisula Hotel ( (ground floor) or go to one of their top floor restaurants for a nice harbor view. (night view is nice!)
11. If you are on the Hong Kong side, look for the tram that runs from Central to Causeway Bay. You might not like to ride on one because it gets very crowded and you have to watch out for your wallet. But another experience, nonetheless.
Have fun in Hong Kong!!
Thank you! That's sure to be very helpful.
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