Saturday, December 16, 2006


Hong Kong is a tiny place with 6.8 million people officially. I left more than 15 years ago and seldom keep in touch with too many friends and after a while it's just a bit hard to stay in contact. But today on a busy weekend with everyone out on the streets, I met 2 acquaintances and exchanged business cards!! Now I am back in touch with my college friends!? How did that happen? I was not planning to meet up with anyone and now I am back in their circles on my second day in this city! It's a bit shocking for me still and a bit exciting at the same time.
The picture on the right turns out quite nice with clear blue sky and white cumulus clouds. The building on the left is a very popular photo target among tourists visiting the Central area. The building on the right to me has more meaning... some small old memories. That's the building where my dad signed up for my first computer class which was a total waste of money. The classes were completely useless and basically let kids sit in front of a computer and "learn" what it can do. I think I spent more time looking outside of the view than looking at the stupid pre-DOS monochrome monitor. I remembered my feelings at the end of it was "shoot! I just wasted my precious summer vacation!?&*($%#". Anyways, maybe I should be more forgiving because we are talking about the early '80s.