Monday, April 30, 2007

Who Killed The Electric Car?

Work gets boring and unchallenging easily. What makes it more intolerable sometimes are the selfish and insecure people. But fortunately within my team, there are a few good people. They are nice and care beyond the work boundaries. It's important to have people like that to keep your sanity at work.

Who Killed The Electric Car is a recent recommendation from our movie guy in the team. It's an interesting documentary with insights into the making and the killing of the Electric Car. Some years ago, we would see those Electric Car chargers outside of Fry's Electronics and wonder how long it would take to charge up the car. Then all of a sudden, those charger stands just disappeared.

Then just last Friday, we finally came across the Zero-Emission Bus (ZEB) (only 3 in the whole San Jose) which is powered by a fuel-cell that converts hydrogen gas and oxygen into electricity to power the bus and emits no harmful pollutants into the air. It's about 6.2 million dollar per bus including maintenance.