
So while that's what I feel after watching some of these Hong Kong programs, I found out I am quite lacking myself in terms of being able to speak everything in Chinese. Like for example, paper clip is just paper clip, I would not say or write that in Chinese. I am using paper clip as an example because today I came across the official Chinese word for paper clip and I found out I actually never knew the official word for it. It turns out to be: 迴紋針! It completely blows my mind and I have to type it in and do a google image search to understand what type of "needle" it's referring to. When the images of a paper clip appear, it was pretty surprising!
I looked up the Japanese word for "paper clip" and I got the above Katakana. So I guess the younger generations in Japan are also indirectly speaking a lot more English now than solely Japanese? Must be sign of the times.
2 回應:
I don't know about you but when I was a child in HK, the only word for paper clip is 萬字夾. I do agree with you on the point that it is really annoying when HK people are trying to squeeze in English words into their sentences(especially when they don't know the meaning of the words they are using).
You are totally right. 萬字夾 is the Chinese word we use in HK. But I wonder now if that's just being used in HK....
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