Thursday, July 05, 2007


Recently I gave a big presentation which I prepared for over 3 months. There were reasons out of my control that contributed to the time required to prepare such a simple presentation. But in summary, I bombed the presentation for the first 15-20 minutes (out of the whole 90 minutes). The overall content of my presentation was well-received, but it's my presentation skills that were poor and (self-)disappointing. But you know what, I have learned so much from the experience. I really get to know myself (strengths and weaknesses) first hand at this presentation. There were quite a few challenges which I had to bend backward to accommodate during the preparation and arranging the logistics. There were some red tapes that I had to cut through and people to meet to get the buy-in. But all in all, it went well except for my presentation skills or maybe the overall style. My style probably works well with junior engineers who just joined the company but probably not cool and inspiring enough for those who have been around a few years longer. Also, I tend to over-rehearse and hence speak at a fast TV commercial pace. I should not have sprinkled my presentation with catchy jargons that everyone can relate to but come up with something that's more from the heart... Anyway, I will be taking steps to overcome my weaknesses even without any new pending presentation for the year.

Work life is stressful but nonetheless you can get something good out of it from time to time besides a steady paycheck!