Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Random Thoughts

A few work related incidents provided me with new insights lately.

1. When working with a jerk, I need to give him the same treatment to get him off my back.

What happened: Part of my job at work is to review the code implementation and provide my review feedback/comments. I always do my job of giving honest feedback with the customer point of view in mind. If I see something that could use more enhancement, I say it. I don't just give it an easy pass without raising questions. A jerk agreed with my comments in the meeting but came to me afterwards and asked me to reduce my requirements from 3 to just 1. I said "I am fine either way" verbally but did not send out an email to inform the rest of the team. He sent me an email and asked me to inform the team but I did nothing. He instant messaged me wanting to come by to talk about it again and I told him I am busy. He is not getting through me and so he had to do it as we agreed in the meeting. - Problem solved -

2. When you can't solve a problem right away, sleep on it. Do nothing for a few days. Come back and you will see the answer in front of you.

What happened: Last Wednesday, we faced an issue and we spent about 4 hours trying different things to resolve it. Nothing worked. We were all frustrated but did nothing for the rest of the week. This Monday, I decided to try something totally different and just to see what happened. It made sense and provided more information and now the problem is resolved! Just like that.

3. You get to know the real person by observing them in company activities.

What happened: It's Summer Olympics time again and we need volunteers and players for the games. Some people are good at any sports and they tried their best. Some just participate without winning in mind but just to show management they participated. The team are better off without these people as they don't give their 100%. Some signed up but were no show at the game despite talking about the games from time to time. You don't want these people in your work project team. They are the talker but do minimal. Volunteers - these are the good people you can count on as there is no glory to help with the organizing and cleaning up!!! You can let these people try their hands on leading some small projects.

4. You know you are not working with first class leaders when something they pushed for loses momentum.

What happened: I was asked to create a business initiative within the team and gave a presentation that was well received. I have lined up activities to follow the initiative for those who are ready to do more. But those activities required management lead on each to further drive it to success. The target start date is mid-July and it's close to end of July, nothing had happened. It's easy for management to ask for something from the subordinates but when it comes to follow-through with actions from the management team, you don't see solid ownership or real results. That's when you know the quality and ability of your upper management. Also, a time to look for better opportunities under a stronger leadership.