Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Almond Croissant

Raspberry Scone (Cake-like)

Banana Bread with Pecan (うちの定番)

Chocolate Raspberry Croissant (Super Yum!)

Espresso Raspberry Muffin (Love the crispy top!)

One person each, which one will you pick?

2 回應:

Blogger Kai and Baobei said...

the third one better, i prefer to take that :P best for tea time, 3.15 curi tulang ;)

6:48 PM  
Blogger 學習 said...

I think you meant Chocolate Raspberry Croissant (instead of my homemade banana bread :) ! (I have added the Almond Croissant at the top after you left your comment...) Yes, that's my husband's favorite! I like the Espresso Raspberry Muffin because of the intense taste, even though I am usually not crazy about muffin.

Is 3.15 = 3:15pm?
Curi tulang ? - I learned something new!! lol!

10:29 PM  

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