Saturday, March 28, 2009


Today we let her try to feed herself and this is what happened.
The spoon was on the floor and she created a barbaric mess!


5 回應:

Blogger rgregori said...

How old is your daughter? I have a 8 (almost 9) months old that almost drives us crazy!

We didn't let her feed herself yet, but sometimes she takes the food with her hands (like carrots, カボチャ ...) and makes a little mess, although she loves it!

2:39 PM  
Blogger 學習 said...

Hi Cerebro!

She is 1 year 4 mths now. She used to eat nicely and more lady-like. Now eating is like play time! But the school (her daycare) said let her explore with her hands. So get ready to handle MORE mess soon. :)

Any picture of your daughter to share?

2:11 AM  
Blogger rgregori said...

Hi 子ブタのママ,

actually I have some pictures on Picasa. Do you have an email to where I can send a link?

We are stopping breastfeeding now. She still search my wife for the milk, but in the first days she made a scandal! Now, almost 3 weeks later she cries sometimes, but we could notice that she is sleeping better and even falling asleep alone.

She eats "food" since she was 5,5 months, though!

6:56 AM  
Blogger 學習 said...

Do you replace breastfeeding with formula? Formula is good, too, as it has all the Calcium, DHA, ARA...etc Starting some solid around 5.5 to 6 month is good but make sure she is ready. Mashed sweet potatoes/yam, banana, peas, oatmeal, porridge & bread were all easy to feed for us. Tofu and Campbell cream soup on the other hand gave her rashes! So no soy and canned stuff for her ever since.

12:54 PM  
Blogger rgregori said...

we are still giving her breast milk, but on a bottle. We didn't start giving her formula, since my wife has a lot of milk yet!

We started with food as soon as her first teeth appeared, we started with fruits: apples, bananas, pears. Then, as you suggested, sweet potatoes (she didn't like yam nor manioc - really common here), carrots, pumpkin and kabocha. Now we give her almost everything: beans, rice .. (always smashed, for now).

As for fruits, she loves melon, bananas and persimon. (柿)

Do you work there? Do you stay with her during the day? Here women have a 4 months license and then must go back to work. Fortunately, my wife works 4 hours in the afternoon and I work 6 hours (untill 2 pm). Than we don't need to let her on a school for now.

2:04 PM  

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