
格好いい (かっこいい)
*I just really want to post this picture of my cat when he was young. He has this cool, bad-boy, rebellious look whenever I woke him up from his nap. He is actually a super mellow, smart and fun kitty who does not claw or bite. His nickname was Big Gold (his smaller brother was Small Gold) back then because I did not want to give him a real name and that's just the description of him. I had to play "cold hearted" since I did not want to get too attached to him making it hard for myself to give him (and the rest) up for adoption at the SPCA... but parting was just too difficult so he is now my Bagel (BG). I also kept his tiny sister, nicknamed Baby Black who is now my Bebe (BB).

(L) This is how he likes to sleep. Goofy kitty. 間抜け(まぬけ)猫 (^o^)
(R) This is Bebe hiding inside a grocery bag. ビビちゃん は超恥ずかしい猫です。

This is him playing in the yard one last time before being a full-time house cat.
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