Saturday, March 11, 2006

I found some very good Hong Kong bloggers lately and I can't help smiling and enjoying the things they wrote about and the expressions they use. It's very refreshing consider I seldom write in Chinese anymore and speaking Cantonese is something I don't do often enough. Anyway, one of them expressed his concerns about the Chinglish that can be seen everywhere in China especially with the Olympics being around the corner. I have not really been to China so I have no idea how bad it is until now. Here is a good glimpse of it. This is something you probably won't see in Hong Kong because either there is no English or English is provided by someone who knows English. But from the pictures on Chinglish, it seems like English is provided by someone who does not really know English but trying to add some English based on the dictionary translation of each Chinese word?!

Another one is a Hong Kong Chinese University graduate who likes to take strolls and polaroids pictures and write about the picutres he took around Hong Kong and Japan. These are some good quality writings about things people don't take notice of. His site was so well made that actually a publisher in Hong Kong decided to buy it and hire him to write for them. He has another personal blog which is written in colloquial Cantonese which is very funny and the expressions he uses just crack me up. He likes to go to Japan for live concerts and live performances that no one in Hong Kong would otherwise have heard about. He is very familiar with Japan and talks about the funny things that happened while he was there. And the cool thing is he updates it often! :-)

Anyways, it's another weekend with cold winds and rain... did nothing memorable. But finally watched the movie Sideways. It is quite funny. The story is ok. Probably won't watch it again, that's all I can say. :-P

Kanji I learned recently:
Egg yolk