Saturday, August 11, 2007


We finally have Otokomae Handmade Tofu here but look at the price!! We did not get one.
Is it really worth it?

3 回應:

Anonymous Anonymous said...



that is ridiculous!

i just bought 2 blocks of tofu for 100 yen yesterday night at my local grocery store. crazy!

5:24 PM  
Blogger RI34 said...

I tried the blue one, Johney, beside the Otokomae that costed me about 3 USD in Japan, but I didn't like it. Maybe too much bean taste and creaminess, and it didn't go good with sliced green onion and soy sauce...there maybe a better way to have it, but I like ordinary Tofu better!!

But it has been so popular in Japan for more than a year.
Jpcanada's postings about Johney Tofu

9:45 AM  
Blogger 學習 said...

Glad to hear $9.00 for a piece of tofu is crazy. I thought I've just never tasted wonderful tofu as otokomae handsome handmade tofu hence the surprise at the price. :-)

We always get the organic tofu for about USD2.00 but I don't even think it's good or anything special. I still like the cheap, silken tofu the best.

11:36 AM  

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