Saturday, September 15, 2007

Baby Hatch

I have never heard of "baby hatch" before until I came across this article.
I can not make up my mind if a child receiving box is a good idea or not because I don't know if it means better quality of life for the kids, or they were just being used for making money through adoption in the end. But I think even in US, there isn't officially a box or hatch where people can drop off their unwanted infants or kids, but they can give birth at the hospital and asked to have the baby left at the hospital. This kind of baby news is just too depressing!

2 回應:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

when they set up that program in a hospital in japan recently, i remember there was a huge outcry (well by japanese standards at any rate) about what sorts of doom it portended for society and people in general.

i have no idea if this is a good program or not either, but i mean, it beats abandoning your kid by the side of the road or something as you sometimes hear about on the news. on the other hand, it does send shivers down my spine to think about placing a baby (presumably one i had just seen brought into this world) into a cold metal receptacle and walking away never to see it again and hoping that someone would happen across it soon on the other side and take care of it.

who knows!

how are you doing these days, by the way? :)

8:12 AM  
Blogger 學習 said...

Hello Michael, thank you for leaving a comment. What you said is exactly how I feel about the whole baby hatch idea. It's crazy yet in this society we live in now, maybe it's not such a bad idea. Have you ever seen the movie "Dare mo shiranai"? I guess it's better to face the issue before it ends tragically.

I will send you a separate email which is long over due!!! :-P

11:31 PM  

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