Monday, April 13, 2009


It's Monday. Time for beautiful pool picture again. :)
This pool belongs to a $10.5 million dollar home in California.

7 回應:

Blogger Kai and Baobei said...

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11:27 PM  
Blogger Kai and Baobei said...

i like to swim, but had some bad memory ~ hehehe, i nearly die in poor when i was 6 years old ~

11:27 PM  
Blogger 學習 said...

I love to swim and I also almost drowned in 2 different pools when I was a kid. Once when I was 7 years old in Philippines and another time in HK when I was almost 10 years old!

11:43 PM  
Blogger Kai and Baobei said...

so u still swim ? :P i am worried everytime my legs in water.

11:59 PM  
Blogger 學習 said...

Yup, I became good at it since 11!

12:08 AM  
Anonymous michaelpanda said...

why are you taking pictures of pools in 10.5 million dollar houses? ;)

7:35 AM  
Blogger 學習 said...

I did not take the picture... It's a picture from their for sale ad online. :)

1:37 AM  

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