Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Money's gone, what's next?

Assuming money is not the most important thing, the next thing I want to achieve is to improve both my English and Chinese abilities. A few things I want to do include:

Up my English vocabularies
Read meaningful Chinese writings
Increase usage in Mandarin or Shanghainese when I speak to my daughter
Write something in Chinese on a daily basis. Maybe start a new blog in Chinese.

Stock Options

My company gave me a bunch of stock options 10 years ago and I let it sit and expired. I am the biggest idiot.


I don't understand why Kindle is a good idea... I know it can store many eBooks on 1 single device and it's perfect for people on the go and saves printing resources. But for me, if I want to read a book or a magazine, I want to be able to flip it else why not just read the abundance material already available on the web?

I see people using Kindle on the plane all the time. It looks like they are reading a pdf file. What fun is that?

2011 - Goal #1

Must try paddle boarding this year in LA!

Monday, January 03, 2011

First work day of the year!

And I had to literally drag myself out of bed this morning. The idea of going to work just seems so foreign after 12 days of vacation! I did not get to work until 11:12 am after dropping off my kid to school. And better yet, I forgot my work badge.

While driving to work, I was thinking to myself ...

I am not a good mom (too tardy)
I am not a good wife (too lazy)
I am not a good daughter (don't call my parents enough)
I am not a good sister (in every sense)
I am not a good worker (too bored and unhappy)
I am not even a good friend (hardly make time to stay in touch)

So what've I been doing? Where's my contribution, if any?

I have a few New Year's Resolutions for 2011 but I am not sure if I want to write it down now and have them staring back at me a few months down the road. Hmm, I will have to procrastinate on this. :P

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Happy New Year!
