*Unbelieveable! How does this colloquial Chinese word/expression get to become part of the Kanji? Or was it the other way round? I saw it while reading Japanese Manga which I don't usually do. Amazing.
憾む うらむ sad, disappointed, feeling down and regrettable
心残りだ こころのこりだ Regret, feel sorry
惜しい おしい Regrettable, disappointing
*If you have ever bonded with one of world's best kittens ever, even just for 2 short weeks, the memory of that day you abandoned him for adoption will always bring tears and saddness no matter where you are. The thought of never to see him again (even though he is well and alive) and the fact that you missed him so much will always pinch that weak spot in your heart. It's more powerful then breaking up with someone because the kitten did not do anything wrong and there is really no good reason for abandoning him except the fact of your own selfishness and stupidity. $HIT! It really SUCKS!!!!
*Little kitty is doing very well. He ate a lot, recovered, and is very active. He is so obedient and cute and wonderful that it's very hard to part with him. But I think he can feel something is not right, like I am not fully opening my arms to him... He will look at me with this very sad and abused look everytime I pick him up maybe hoping I will not giving him away. Oh gosh, take my advice. Never bond with something/someone so irresistably cute and fun to have. It just hurts a lot to ever separate.....
猫も人間と同じように風邪をひきます。 Neko mo ningen to onaji youni kaze o hikimasu. Cats and human being are the same so that they can (also) catch a cold.
He is an abandoned, strayed little kitty I picked up in my yard. He is currently under isolation and taking 抗生物質 to fight a pretty bad flu. :-( He may or may not make it since he is suffering from a severe case of malnutrition. He is 2 months old but looks like a few weeks old (weighing only 1lb) with problem breathing with his nose all plugged up. I am praying he will make it. I have been so sad and depressed seeing his condition and having to close him off to the bathroom all by himself day and night... but since flu is contagious and could be deadly to other cats, I really have no choice. This kitty has the best personality. He does not know how to bite, claw or hiss. He is extremely loving and is in need of a loving home. Can cat lovers out there help spread the word to help him find a good home please?
ご婚礼、立食パーティ、忘年会など、各種ご宴会を承ります。 Gokonrei, risshokupaati, bounenkai nado, kakushu goenkai o uketamawarimasu. We accept order for arranging wedding (reception), buffet party, year-end party and the like.
なるとまき Narutomaki steamed fish-paste cake, sliced to decorate soup *A kind of kamaboko (蒲鉾 / かまぼこ) or processed fish paste
*I have always wonder what those are called. I don't quite like it because it's too processed that it does not taste like anything. And it's just bad when they make it with the look of Kitty-chan.