I have no idea that taking care of an infant is this much work!! Feeding, burping, diaper changing, putting the baby to sleep, repeating it 6-8 times a day for the next 2 to 3 months. Plus, add endless laundry, cleaning and occasional singing (yes, and how I wish I can sing & know more songs to sing to...) to the list, on top of your own daily schedule as a person. It's actually a full-time job for 2 people! And wait till the baby can roll and crawl...and walk and starts to talk back!
I think if anyone ever have doubts about their parents' love for them, just try to raise a kid all alone from infant to toddler stage. After that experience, not only will you be amazed how demanding an infant actually is but how any less love would not have sufficed. (No wonder a good nanny is almost unheard of because the same love just isn't there.) Seriously. Right now I can't see how parents with twins can actually sleep!?!
Anyway, recently I have been receiving a lot of once-a-year-Christmas email and a few Facebook greetings (messages, hugs, gifts, etc.) from old friends. To my surprise, via Facebook's friends list, I see most of the people I went to school with have at least 2 kids all born within the last 5 years!! Even those who were really career-oriented! I guess women my age are now all getting into motherhood before it's too late.
These days, I am seeing imagines on stories I heard from my mom on how my dad used to wash our diapers before putting it in the washer, and how my dad had to quickly use the hair dryer to dry my sister's must-have blanket to stop her crying whenever it's washed, etc. They have to do so much more back then!!
I guess it might be a good idea to take out 東京タワー ~オカンとボクと、時々、オトン~ DVD (based on
Lily Franky's book) and start watching it if I have time. I think I need to see how people did it and how much more they have to go through in the old days to really appreciate the easier life of parenthood now.