Monday, May 23, 2005
Sunday, May 22, 2005
Saturday, May 21, 2005
Friday, May 20, 2005
The practice of serving and eating sushi/sashimi off a nake woman's body.
*Very crazy, couldn't believe it when I first read it, really scary and disturbing! (At least for me)
The practice of serving and eating sushi/sashimi off a nake woman's body.
*Very crazy, couldn't believe it when I first read it, really scary and disturbing! (At least for me)
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Tidal wave
Sono tsunami ga kuru no o mite sugoi ikioide hashitta.
Seeing that tidal wave comes, we ran with mighty strength.
*I did not recognize this Kanji means tsunami when I was reading the Japanese article....
Tidal wave
Sono tsunami ga kuru no o mite sugoi ikioide hashitta.
Seeing that tidal wave comes, we ran with mighty strength.
*I did not recognize this Kanji means tsunami when I was reading the Japanese article....
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Tuesday, May 17, 2005

格好いい (かっこいい)
*I just really want to post this picture of my cat when he was young. He has this cool, bad-boy, rebellious look whenever I woke him up from his nap. He is actually a super mellow, smart and fun kitty who does not claw or bite. His nickname was Big Gold (his smaller brother was Small Gold) back then because I did not want to give him a real name and that's just the description of him. I had to play "cold hearted" since I did not want to get too attached to him making it hard for myself to give him (and the rest) up for adoption at the SPCA... but parting was just too difficult so he is now my Bagel (BG). I also kept his tiny sister, nicknamed Baby Black who is now my Bebe (BB).

(L) This is how he likes to sleep. Goofy kitty. 間抜け(まぬけ)猫 (^o^)
(R) This is Bebe hiding inside a grocery bag. ビビちゃん は超恥ずかしい猫です。

This is him playing in the yard one last time before being a full-time house cat.
Monday, May 16, 2005
松竹梅 (しょうちくばい)
shou chiku bai
High, middle and low ranking
(Pine, bamboo, plum)
It's also the name of a famous Japanese sake.
It's also a common theme on eating utensils.
shou chiku bai
High, middle and low ranking
(Pine, bamboo, plum)
It's also the name of a famous Japanese sake.
It's also a common theme on eating utensils.
Saturday, May 14, 2005
Friday, May 13, 2005
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Wednesday, May 11, 2005

新登場 (しんとうじょう)
Something newly introduced to the market
Kono shintoujou no seihin wa shinraisei no takai sekuana, kouritsu teki na musen LAN o kankyou o teikyou shimasu.
These newly released products provide reliably high secured, and very efficient wireless LAN environment.
If you use any of the above products in your ネットワーク, it just might give an illusion of having your favorite ラップトップ upgraded!
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Monday, May 09, 2005

Melt, dissolve
Hiru goro ni wa yuki wa tokete shimaimashita.
At around noon, the snow melts and went away.
Saku jitsu no seki motteta yuki, asa ni wa tokete kimashita.
The snow accumulated yesterday, in the morning it's melted.
Nagai fuyu ga owari, yuki ga toke, haru ga kimashita.
Long winter is over, snow has melted, spring has come.
*The picture actually shows icicles (氷柱, つらら or ひょうちゅう) not snow.
Sunday, May 08, 2005
Saturday, May 07, 2005

痩せる (やせる)
To become thin
2週間で2kg痩せます! 食事と運動、全メニュー公開。
Nishuukan de 2kg yasemasu! Shokudo to undou, zen menuu koukai.
In 2 weeks, I am thin(ner) by 2kg! Reveal to all the menu on meal and exercise.
In this April 27th issue of Anan, it has these interesting headlines:
Otokotachi wa puyopuyo mo suki!
Men being chubby is also being liked!(?!) Hmmm...
DNA de anata no himan genin o kaimei!
Explain your reason for being chubby/obese with DNA!
Friday, May 06, 2005

好調な (こうちょうな)
kouchou na
Something is favorable/in good shape
Ureyuki kouchouna appuru seihin
Apple product sales is in good shape (strong demand).
Bei appuru konbyuuta wa iPod to iMac famirii no kouchouna ureyuki de gohyaku sanjuu paasento no zoueki
American Apple Computer's iPod and iMac family series' show favorable demand with 530% increase in profit
Thursday, May 05, 2005
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Monday, May 02, 2005

ほら! 雪白い足があります。
Look! It has snowwhite feet (snowshoes).
今日ビリちゃんは非常に精力的だった, もし私に彼をIchiro 51と呼ぶほうがいいと思っています。
Billy-chan was very energetic today, I am thinking maybe I should call him Ichiro 51.
でもさ、猫缶 (食べ物) が好きじゃない。全然(ぜんぜん)食べませでした。
But it does not like can cat food. It did not eat any at all.
Sunday, May 01, 2005

This is the shy one, always hide behind the bushes. But he is extremely smart. He is the first one to drink the water I left out there and it came out to play with "little billy" when I am not watching. He is quick to hide whenever I am about to go to the yard. This is not a good picture of it because it is sleeping.
There is another one just like this one but that one runs really fast to the back of the shed and I could not take a picture of it. That little sprinter is the tiniest of 3 and extremely shy. It has been meowing for it's mommy (a small skinny completely black cat) all afternoon. They are too tiny to climb up the fence to join their mom.... so they are stuck at my yard for the time being. The mom is skinny and I wonder if she could carry her young.... The dad showed once and then was never to be found..... The dad has the same look as this kitty.