Thursday, March 31, 2005
けいこく メッセージ
Keigoku Messeeji
Warning Message
Following are some words you will see on the warning page of some websites.
ぼうりょく てき, さべつてき, ひわいな ないよう
Bouryoku teki, sabetsu teki, hiwaina naiyou
Violent, discriminating, obscene content
Kanrisha no handande sakujo sasete itadaku ba ai ga arimasu.
There will be situations that force deletion (of content) based on the judgement of the webmaster.
Geez, maybe too many kanji in one posting...
Keigoku Messeeji
Warning Message
Following are some words you will see on the warning page of some websites.
ぼうりょく てき, さべつてき, ひわいな ないよう
Bouryoku teki, sabetsu teki, hiwaina naiyou
Violent, discriminating, obscene content
Kanrisha no handande sakujo sasete itadaku ba ai ga arimasu.
There will be situations that force deletion (of content) based on the judgement of the webmaster.
Geez, maybe too many kanji in one posting...
Wednesday, March 30, 2005

The underdog, loser
This is a term now commonly used to describe the 30-something, unmarried, childless working women which is made popular by the Japanese writer - Junko Sakai(酒井順子), whose book Makeinu no Toboe (負け犬の遠吠え) ("The distant howling of the loser dogs") was one of the best-sellers last year.
This is what Sakai said in an interview:
"I know I'm a losing dog, but I'm quite satisfied with my life."
I wonder if there is an English translated version of the book on the web somewhere?
Oh, here is the TV series.
Wari biki kippu (not wari hiki kippu)
Discounted fare ticket
I did not listen the pronounciation right for the longest time...
waribiki... not warihiki...
Wari biki kippu (not wari hiki kippu)
Discounted fare ticket
I did not listen the pronounciation right for the longest time...
waribiki... not warihiki...
Box lunch with tempura.
Ebi Tenjuu
You get'll shrimp tempura.
Never knew the kanji for tenjuu...
Box lunch with tempura.
Ebi Tenjuu
You get'll shrimp tempura.
Never knew the kanji for tenjuu...
Tuesday, March 29, 2005

ふん いき
fun iki
Have seen this enough times now... It means "the atomsphere" or "mood".
Shoka no funiki.
The atmosphere of early summer.
Kojou no kanashi funiki.
The sad atmosphere of the old castle.
Shokuba no funiki o yoku suru.
Atmosphere of the workplace is better/improved.
Oheya no funiki wa kawarimasu.
The atmosphere of the room changes.
iyou na funiki
Weird / bizzare / strange atmosphere
Monday, March 28, 2005
Fuuryuu desu.
I saw this being said about a coffee shop and found it very interesting.
In Chinese, this is only used to describe a person who can not commit to a relationship or even to the extend of being promiscuous.
Using the same word to describe a shop is interesting so I looked it up.
It meant "elegant" in Japanese.
Fuuryuu desu.
I saw this being said about a coffee shop and found it very interesting.
In Chinese, this is only used to describe a person who can not commit to a relationship or even to the extend of being promiscuous.
Using the same word to describe a shop is interesting so I looked it up.
It meant "elegant" in Japanese.

ウォシュレット = washlet
warm-water cleaning toilet seat (温水洗浄便座: onsui senjō benza)
This kind of tiolet, made popular by TOTO (東陶機器株式会社), is now installed in more than half of Japanese households. It has 7 functions (heated seat, multiple cleaning functions, different water spraying speed and flow, music...etc. I don't know them all). But once you've used one, all the others not like it just seem so uncivilized!
While in Japan, I can't help hearing people talking to each other in the train or in the restaurant or in the coffee shop. I will always hear "......で (pause) .......で(pause)...." and I would wonder what sentence structure is this...?? How come it is so common...?
After doing some searching & reading, I think here is the answer .
After doing some searching & reading, I think here is the answer .
Yaki Purin is basically flan.
That's something I always have to buy and stock in the hotel fridge when I am travelling. I have to eat it while watching TV at night in the hotel. But surprisingly, this time, I have to take all the 焼プリン home... I did not really watch any TV at the hotel!
That's something I always have to buy and stock in the hotel fridge when I am travelling. I have to eat it while watching TV at night in the hotel. But surprisingly, this time, I have to take all the 焼プリン home... I did not really watch any TV at the hotel!
buatsui kiji
Thick cloth/material
I saw these Kanji talking about a coat (コート) but just couldn't understand what it is saying...
buatsui kiji
Thick cloth/material
I saw these Kanji talking about a coat (コート) but just couldn't understand what it is saying...
(For) the common people (down-to-earth, real, not pretentious)
This was the expression used when a friend was explaining to me what people and things are like in Osaka. I chatted with my Japanese co-worker later on the same topic since he is from Kobe and he completely agrees with the expression used for lifestyle in Osaka. That's why he does not relocate from from Kobe to Tokyo where he is currently working. He would rather keep his family in Kobe while he stays in Shibuya during weekdays and travel home on weekends and he has been living with this arrangement since 2002! :-( I guess 庶民的 lifestyle is really something to be treasured especially if you have a teenage daughter. He might look like what you would called a" misfit" or an "oddball" walking around in Tokyo but he is SO MUCH COOLER than everyone else who dressed smart at the restaurant when we had our celebration dinner. He is so down-to-earth and a truly sincere and friendly person!!
(For) the common people (down-to-earth, real, not pretentious)
This was the expression used when a friend was explaining to me what people and things are like in Osaka. I chatted with my Japanese co-worker later on the same topic since he is from Kobe and he completely agrees with the expression used for lifestyle in Osaka. That's why he does not relocate from from Kobe to Tokyo where he is currently working. He would rather keep his family in Kobe while he stays in Shibuya during weekdays and travel home on weekends and he has been living with this arrangement since 2002! :-( I guess 庶民的 lifestyle is really something to be treasured especially if you have a teenage daughter. He might look like what you would called a" misfit" or an "oddball" walking around in Tokyo but he is SO MUCH COOLER than everyone else who dressed smart at the restaurant when we had our celebration dinner. He is so down-to-earth and a truly sincere and friendly person!!
ますぐ or まっすぐ
Straight ahead ...
One of the most frequent words I heard when I was asking direction in Japan...
Straight ahead ...
One of the most frequent words I heard when I was asking direction in Japan...
Thursday, March 24, 2005
Saturday, March 19, 2005
'05年3月の時間割 | ||||||
日曜日 | 月曜日 | 火曜日 | 水曜日 | 木曜日 | 金曜日 | 土曜日 |
1 仕事 | 2 仕事 | 3 仕事 | 4 仕事 | 5 休み | ||
6 休み | 7 仕事 | 8 仕事 | 9 仕事 | 10 仕事 | 11 仕事 | 12 休み |
13 休み | 14 仕事 | 15 仕事 | 16 休み | 17 仕事 | 18 仕事 | 19 仕事 |
20 日本ヘいきます | 21 自由時間 | 22 自由時間 | 23 仕事 | 24 仕事 | 25 自由時間 | 26 自由時間 |
27 家ヘ帰る | 28 仕事 | 29 仕事 | 30 仕事 | 31 仕事 |
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Yuu utsu

Feeling down and sad
What CD was I listening to at the oral surgeon's office when I had my wisdom tooth pulled out?
The answer is Ryuichi Kawamura's 深愛~only one~. (Yah, I was told to bring my CD player and headphones to avoid listening to the high-pitched drilling noise...) It was a perfect pick!! It completely helped me gone through the ordeal. I think he is a very talented artist even though lot of guys can't stand him, his look or his singing. And his lyrics could be a little too much sometimes but I think he must be a charmer to be able to sing those words with such emotional intensity. :-) I think him going solo is a really good thing. I never knew who those other guys were in Luna Sea..
So how is the Kanji to be learned today related to the above paragraph? Not related at all... I just happened to be listening to the CD again and just decided to pick the difficult one, song no. 13 - 憂鬱 (ゆううつ) :-P
*I only need to learn the pronouciation since the words are the same in meaning and writing as Chinese.
Anata wa yuu utsu ni kanjiru koto wa arimasuka?
Are there times when you feel down and sad?
*It is probably difficult to see all the strokes of the kanji. So here:

Feeling down and sad
What CD was I listening to at the oral surgeon's office when I had my wisdom tooth pulled out?
The answer is Ryuichi Kawamura's 深愛~only one~. (Yah, I was told to bring my CD player and headphones to avoid listening to the high-pitched drilling noise...) It was a perfect pick!! It completely helped me gone through the ordeal. I think he is a very talented artist even though lot of guys can't stand him, his look or his singing. And his lyrics could be a little too much sometimes but I think he must be a charmer to be able to sing those words with such emotional intensity. :-) I think him going solo is a really good thing. I never knew who those other guys were in Luna Sea..
So how is the Kanji to be learned today related to the above paragraph? Not related at all... I just happened to be listening to the CD again and just decided to pick the difficult one, song no. 13 - 憂鬱 (ゆううつ) :-P
*I only need to learn the pronouciation since the words are the same in meaning and writing as Chinese.
Anata wa yuu utsu ni kanjiru koto wa arimasuka?
Are there times when you feel down and sad?
*It is probably difficult to see all the strokes of the kanji. So here:
mu ri ya ri
forcibly, something compulsory
Kyoo wa muriyari shigoto o owarasete
Being able to finsih the compulsory work today ...
forcibly, something compulsory
Kyoo wa muriyari shigoto o owarasete
Being able to finsih the compulsory work today ...
ichi ji kan jaku no
One hour or less
Kuruma de ichi jikan jakuno tokoro ni atta.
It was possible to get there by car in one hour or less.
One hour or less
Kuruma de ichi jikan jakuno tokoro ni atta.
It was possible to get there by car in one hour or less.
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
sou ri

So this is the new (acting) Hong Kong's Political Leader, with Tung Chee-Hwa resigned after 8 years in the position. I guess we can call him 総理 evn though his formal title is really 特首 (とくしゅ) (Special Head (Leader) of Hong Kong). He will be in position for 2 years until the next election.
Kyoo no Nihon no sou ri dai jin wa Koizumi Junichirou uji desu.
The Prime Minister of Japan today is Mr. Koizumi Junichirou.

*This is so not my favorite posting ...

So this is the new (acting) Hong Kong's Political Leader, with Tung Chee-Hwa resigned after 8 years in the position. I guess we can call him 総理 evn though his formal title is really 特首 (とくしゅ) (Special Head (Leader) of Hong Kong). He will be in position for 2 years until the next election.
Kyoo no Nihon no sou ri dai jin wa Koizumi Junichirou uji desu.
The Prime Minister of Japan today is Mr. Koizumi Junichirou.

*This is so not my favorite posting ...
Sunday, March 13, 2005
Friday, March 11, 2005
Thursday, March 10, 2005

年下の男 = toshi shita no otoko = younger man
年下の恋人 = toshi shita no koibito = younger lover
*Picture from Majo no Juoken 魔女の条件
年上の女性 = toshi ue no josei
*I stumbled upon this website and did not get what 年下の男 meant.
I thought it meant a guy who was held back a year in school! :-P
Friday, March 04, 2005

大阪市 = Osaka shi = Osaka City
If all the stars line up right, I will be going there in 2 weeks!!
Fingers crossed ...
練習 = Renshuu
東 = higashi
南 = minami
西 = nishi
北 = kita
右 = migi
左 = hidari
前 = mae
後= ushiro
真直 = massugu
右折 = usetsu
左折 = sasetsu
上 = ue
下 = shita
隣に = tonari ni
Nichi, getsu, ka, sui, moku, kin, tou
Sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat *for some reason, it's really tough for me to start counting from Sunday ...
荷物は 重いですか = Ni motsu wa omoi desu ka? = Is the luggage heavy?
雨が 降っていますからタクシーを呼びます。
Ame ga futte imasu kara, takushi- o yobimasu.
Because it's raining we call a taxi.
Nihongo de goukaku wa nan to iimasu ka?
How to say "pass" in Japanese?
Chiisaikoro, donna supo-tsu ga sukideshita ka?
What kind of sports did you like when you were small?
Kinoo wa samukatta desu ne.
Yesterday was cold.
(Soo desu ne. Totemo samukatta desu.)
Totemo yokatta desu.
It was very good.
Reshi-to wa omochi desuka?
Do you have the receipt?
Chuumon dekimasuka?
Can I place an order?
Sumappu no konsa-to wo kiki ni ikitain desuga. Doko de miraremasuka?
I would like to go to SMAP's concert. Where can I go see it?
To-kyo- do-mu de miraremasu.
You can see it at Tokyo Dome.
Puro yakyu- no chiketto wa ikura desuka?
How much is the ticket for pro-baseball (game)?
Chiketto wa urikiremashita.
The tickets are all sold out.
サッカーの試 合はいつ始まりますか。
Sakka- no shiai wa itsu hajimarimasuka?
When does the soccer game start?
Tanki kanko- nara biza ga irimasen.
You don't need a visa for only a short period sightseeing (purpose).
長 期滞在ならビザがいります。
Cho-ki taizai nara biza ga irimasu.
For long period stay, you need a visa.
私の 勘定をください。
Watashi no kanjyo-o kudasai.
May I have my check/bill please.
はい, かしこまりました。
Hai, kashikomarimashita.
Yes, certainly.
Hai, tadaima omochishimasu.
Yes, I will bring it to you now.
Kurejitto ka-do wa tsukaemasuka?
Can I use credit card?
Sumimasen ga, genkin de onegaishimasu.
申し訳ございませんが、 日本円の現金払いでお願いします。
Mo-shiwake gozaimasenga, nihonen no genkinbaraide onegaishimasu.
Very sorry, we only accept Japanese yen.
Deza-to wa nani ni nasaimasuka?
What would you like (to do) for dessert?
Sorry, but please pay in cash.
東 = higashi
南 = minami
西 = nishi
北 = kita
右 = migi
左 = hidari
前 = mae
後= ushiro
真直 = massugu
右折 = usetsu
左折 = sasetsu
上 = ue
下 = shita
隣に = tonari ni
Nichi, getsu, ka, sui, moku, kin, tou
Sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat *for some reason, it's really tough for me to start counting from Sunday ...
荷物は 重いですか = Ni motsu wa omoi desu ka? = Is the luggage heavy?
雨が 降っていますからタクシーを呼びます。
Ame ga futte imasu kara, takushi- o yobimasu.
Because it's raining we call a taxi.
Nihongo de goukaku wa nan to iimasu ka?
How to say "pass" in Japanese?
Chiisaikoro, donna supo-tsu ga sukideshita ka?
What kind of sports did you like when you were small?
Kinoo wa samukatta desu ne.
Yesterday was cold.
(Soo desu ne. Totemo samukatta desu.)
Totemo yokatta desu.
It was very good.
Reshi-to wa omochi desuka?
Do you have the receipt?
Chuumon dekimasuka?
Can I place an order?
Sumappu no konsa-to wo kiki ni ikitain desuga. Doko de miraremasuka?
I would like to go to SMAP's concert. Where can I go see it?
To-kyo- do-mu de miraremasu.
You can see it at Tokyo Dome.
Puro yakyu- no chiketto wa ikura desuka?
How much is the ticket for pro-baseball (game)?
Chiketto wa urikiremashita.
The tickets are all sold out.
サッカーの試 合はいつ始まりますか。
Sakka- no shiai wa itsu hajimarimasuka?
When does the soccer game start?
Tanki kanko- nara biza ga irimasen.
You don't need a visa for only a short period sightseeing (purpose).
長 期滞在ならビザがいります。
Cho-ki taizai nara biza ga irimasu.
For long period stay, you need a visa.
私の 勘定をください。
Watashi no kanjyo-o kudasai.
May I have my check/bill please.
はい, かしこまりました。
Hai, kashikomarimashita.
Yes, certainly.
Hai, tadaima omochishimasu.
Yes, I will bring it to you now.
Kurejitto ka-do wa tsukaemasuka?
Can I use credit card?
Sumimasen ga, genkin de onegaishimasu.
申し訳ございませんが、 日本円の現金払いでお願いします。
Mo-shiwake gozaimasenga, nihonen no genkinbaraide onegaishimasu.
Very sorry, we only accept Japanese yen.
Deza-to wa nani ni nasaimasuka?
What would you like (to do) for dessert?
Sorry, but please pay in cash.
Thursday, March 03, 2005
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Fatigue, tired
Hirou no omona genin wa
The main reason for fatigue ...
... not enough sleep...?
Fatigue, tired
Hirou no omona genin wa
The main reason for fatigue ...
... not enough sleep...?